All products on www.siegelmanstable.com are in stock and available for order. Occasionally, products are oversold. In this event, orders are fulfilled in the order they are received. Items in your shopping cart are not reserved. Processed orders are subject to payment acceptance and availability.
Siegelman Stable may require additional personal information in order to verify identity. In the event that additional information is required, we will make multiple attempts to contact you. We will attempt e-mail contact, and await a response within 48 hours. The order is subject to cancellation if there is no response from the customer within 48 hours.
Contact siegelmanstable@gmail.com within 5 business days of order receipt to request a return. In your request, please note your order #. If approved, we will email you return documents. If your return is not shipped within 5 business days of issuing the documents, the items will no longer be eligible for return. Customers are responsible for return shipping cost.
Once your return is received, inspected and approved, we will provide a store credit in the form of a gift card. No refunds.
In the case you were sent the incorrect item or a defective item, contact us at siegelmanstable@gmail.com. Items must be returned un-worn, un-washed and with original packaging/tags.
Please be aware that Siegelman Stable does not provide refunds for shipping costs under any circumstances once the package has been sent. Once shipping charges are incurred, they are non-refundable.